Contact us Form

Name E-mail Contact Number Message
How did you find out about us?
Google / Internet search
Referral from our clients
Referral from Facebook groups
Facebook marketing
Documents, if applicable (FBI/police, income letters etc)
Attach any supporting documents

Contact information

Office locations: (Google maps below)

  • Panama City from Mondays to Fridays 9am-5pm - Galerias Obarrio Business and Shopping Center, Corner of Via España & Via Brazil, ground floor interior area, unit 33

  • Coronado on Saturdays by appointment - Optima Business Center, Coronado Mall, top floor, office 6



  • Ruhan Strauss +507 6896 2979 (text or voice note preferred) 

It is not always possible for us to respond to calls due to client meetings, court appearances, immigration procedures etc. If you send us a WhatsApp message, we will respond as soon as possible and we can schedule a time to call or meet, thank you for your understanding.

Support Services: